Agata Lafont

I was born in Barcelona the year Queen released their first album and Agostini won his 13th world title with MV Augusta.

I studied telecommunications engineering because at that time I already had a taste for challenges and that degree was known to be one of the most difficult. It really was!

I started my professional life combining university studies by working as a teacher of networking and internet courses and, without any doubt, this conditioned my professional future. I loved being in direct contact with people and traveling more than to settle for “conventional” jobs. I was much clearer about what I didn’t want to do than what I wanted to do, and that’s how my period of “professional experimentation” began. I worked in 8 different companies in 4 years, in very different fields. I have learned a lot from my constant changes, although perhaps the most important of all is that I like changes because they require an effort to adapt to the new situation, but above all, they require learning.

In my thirties, I finally found my vocation by discovering the philosophy and tools of Lean Manufacturing. I was fascinated by the industrial world: it was exciting to discover the manufacturing process of things as diverse as a yogurt, a bottle cap or a train, and even more to see that these processes could be improved with simple tools and principles as logical as, sometimes, non-existent.

So I started to apply Lean as an external consultant, working for large groups as well as for SMEs in countries with different cultures. I put my suitcase down for a few years as a Lean Manager in an Alstom factory before resuming my globe-trotting life from the group’s French headquarters, within the support team of its factories around the world.

After reaching forty years, I decided it was time for more changes, to try new things: it was time to take risks and start a business. And this is how Safety Lean Consulting was born in 2015, from the hand of two people who wanted to pass on their passion.

If you want more details, see my CV at